"...directed and animated by Lauren Haug, the inspirational nature of the sonic world that Mraz has created meets a powerful, vibrant dreamscape inviting an indulgence of reverie...The Yellow-Submarine-esque style of animation induces a sense of whimsy and possibility..." -- Delaney Esper, 2023
"Enter a universe suspended between cosmic and Earthly interfaces in the music video for Bayonne's latest single, 'Right Thing.' A progressive rhythm works with hypnotic, new age conventions to elicit a encouraging forward movements. Director and animator, Lauren Haug, hoped to create a "tangible fantasy world" to layer upon the world we know. Mystifying nostalgia surfaces from her blend of esoteric and 20th century vintage symbolism."
- Daphne Ellis, The Wild Honey Pie
"Each frame infused with colorful earthly, cosmic, and psychedelic elements, the music video—like the song—is somehow simultaneously both retro and futuristic, grounding and fantastical. Hypnotic from start to finish, Haug’s visuals conjure a feeling of awe at life itself, in this dimension and any others that might exist beyond it."
- Maya Bouvier-Lyons, The Wild Honey Pie
"The video, directed and animated by Lauren Haug, occupies a similar, multidimensional space by following the protagonist’s path to self-realization. Their dismal, black and white world transforms into a dreamy, technicolor kingdom fit for a hero ready to quest for what has been lost within. The result is a re-saturation of and appreciation for life. "
- Daphne Ellis, The Wild Honey Pie
"The video, illustrated by graphic designer and animator Lauren Haug, centers around the colorful vibrant force of music. Coming from radio towers, boomboxes and animated versions of a young Grobler and Beranek themselves, these sonic waves reverberate throughout the video."
- Maya Bouvier-Lyons, The Wild Honey Pie
"While The Hope is overtly romantic, Haug's take on the tiger and the strawberry adds a contemporary dimension to the message here—the strength of our relationship to this world is determined by our ability to replenish on the blood-red, alluring strawberries in life."
- Daphne Ellis, The Wild Honey Pie
"Long time collaborator, Nico Losada of Salt Cathedral, joins us for a ten-part series of sonic visualizers that continue his legacy of soul-permeating, electronic compositions... Each video demonstrates a slice of life worth savoring. All videos animated and directed by our very own Lauren Haug."
Those who apply will be required to write, shoot and edit a short film about Asbury Park during a three-day period in October, utilizing a supplied theme, a specific line of dialogue and incorporating a designated location and prop."
“Good services come at a price”. That’s what Detective Calder Crane lived by for his many years as Battery City’s most acclaimed detective. However, when a series of robberies leaves him with a case harder to crack than ever, he’ll have to overcome many critical – and personal – obstacles to seek the truth.
Created by Alyssa Cirillo, Mike Gatta, Lauren Haug, Jeremy Kaston, Emily Ronan, and Connor Trapani, with music by Max Adolf.
More info here.
"The 2021 Monmouth University animation class won Best Sound for their short film, ‘Indemnity.exe’. Alyssa Cirillo, Michael Gatta, Lauren Haug, Jeremy Kaston, Connor Trapani, and Emily Ronan discussed in their interview the hardships they faced and the problem-solving that went into collaborating on an animated short film during the pandemic."
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"Do it with passion, or not at all." Rosa Carey